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식물 병원성 곰팡이 생존 메커니즘 규명 1
미생물유전체전략사업단 관리자
게시글 내용

 논문제목 : A Large-Scale Functional Analysis of Putative Target Genes of Mating-Type Loci Provides   

Insight into the Regulation of Sexual Development of the Cereal Pathogen Fusarium graminearum 


 저널명 : PLoS Genetics’(Published: September 3, 2015)


 내용 : Fusarium graminearum의 유성생식을 통한 발생기작 규명

  - 전세계 주요 곡물에 심각한 병해를 일으키는 붉은곰팡이 병원균의 생존 메커니즘을 기능유전체 기법을 활용하여 세계 최초 규명

  - 붉은곰팡이 생존력이 교배를 통한 자손생산 능력에 의존함에 착안 교배형 단백질에 의해 조절되는 유성생식 전 과정 규명


  - 식물 병 제어시스템 기반 구축 가능

  - 신개념 방제 전략 수립(식물병 발생 생태 예측, 친환경 방제기술 개방 등)



<그림> Schematic diagram of possible regulatory pathways of MAT-mediated sexual development in F. graminearum. The expression of both MAT loci are regulated by several environmental cues (e.g., light), probably via chromatin remodeling by the FgVeA complex and/or G-protein signaling pathways, and control the expression of putative target genes via regulatory cascades and/or networks involving several downstream transcription factors (TFs) and an RNAi regulator (FgSMS-2). Abbreviations: MAT, mating-type proteins encoded by both MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 loci; AC, adenyl cyclase; PKA-R, protein kinase A regulatory subunit; PKA-C, protein kinase A catalytic subunit; PAK, protein kinase; FST12, an F. graminearum ortholgoue of the yeast STE12; RGS, Regulator of G-protein signaling; P, pheromones. Solid lines with triangular and flattened arrowheads represent gene activation and repression, respectively. The dashed arrows indicate possible regulatory directions, not determined by qPCR. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005486.g010


